“I endorse the vision of CRESCENDO JAZZ to build a community of musicians working professionally with the pursuit of excellence in the field of Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation, unified through the belief in Jesus Christ. I believe in the value of an exchange and collaboration between practitioners of different musical genres and cultures to rediscover a common ground both spiritually and musically, a process that the international network of CRESCENDO is able to foster and encourage.”
John Patitucci, NYC
“Today Christian jazz musicians are revitalizing liturgical and sacred music traditions. Jazz that is inspired by biblical scriptures and hymns is played throughout the world in churches and jazz clubs alike. The REAL FAITHBOOK book by CRESCENDO JAZZ is the first international collection of this global movement, and helps to bring people together who love both jazz and the church music tradition, and makes this music accessible for a larger public. It can serve as a source of inspiration for jazz musicians and composers to create their own versions of hymns and chorales, and enrich their repertoire for performances inside and outside of churches.”
Jon Cowherd, Pianist, Composer and Producer, NYC
“This life is not righteousness but growth in righteousness, not health but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it...”. (Martin Luther) I do not know of any other form of art that brings us so well into the movement of Christian life as music does. Therefore, I am very pleased that this CD has combined important traditional hymns with the musical language of our time so that it sets us in motion. Thus it emerges: from being to becoming, from repose to movement.”
Bishop em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Huber
about the CD „Confessiones“ by Albrecht Gündel-vom Hofe / "Crescendo Jazz" / REAL FAITHBOOK
CRESCENDO JAZZ is an interdenominational, international Christian fellowship of jazz musicians - exchanging issues of life and music and growing together in faith, rooted in local communities and churches - in close connection to professional musicians of other genres.
to network jazz musicians who have similar interests
* CML ("Christian Musicians Link"= worldwide online address list)
* We create opportunities to meet in local events for musicians connected to music conservatories with Jam sessions and exchange about profession and faith
* Annually several conferences and conventions
to encourage jazz musicians in professional life and faith
* Personal mentoring and coaching
* Local groups and meetings
* "Crescendo Summer Institute" with Jazz !
* Weekly TUNE IN - spritual encouragments
to communicate faith in many different ways, making Christian accents in our society
* Interdenominational services „KIRCHE KREATIV“ & IN SPIRIT with artists specially for people who have become distanced from the church in more and more cities
* Publications, Lectures and Workshops in Conservatories and Colleges of Music
* Record Label EDITION JAZZ AUS KIRCHEN / High Quality Audio CD Productions www.ejk-records.de
* Festivals (Night of Faith)
to serve churches, Christian ministries and organisations
* Initiating Jazz concerts within a liturgical framework and theological reflections www.ejk-records.de
* Offering Soloists and Ensembles for engagements in church services with jazz elements
* Providing Jazz Arrangements of Hymns for services and concerts with the REAL FAITHBOOK OF GREAT HYMNS
* Facilitating Workshops for jazz worship // www.derworkshop.ch
* Supporting the dialogue of educational institutions in the fields of jazz and theology and working musicians and the churches
(see information below)